Apr 10Liked by Ben Hollis

"We shall not regret the past, nor wish to shut the door on it." Those words are familiar to me as well but what follows is equally as relevant when you said "The Memory Mines one more time, trusting I will return safely, without struggle from those boney, mean clutches that wish to grab a hold of my brain and wring it like a sponge, yielding the bitter juice of regret and resentment over what did or did not happen." These are thoughts I'm all to familiar with. Trying to resolve that which has long since been buried and of which should not resurrected. Still your admitted self exploration and focus on yourself remains part of what makes your talent successful and may be said for many artist exhibiting their creative processes. A refreshing change to realize that the creative process need not be fueled by outside substances that initially may seem to open doors but inevitably lead to dead ends like obsession or depression that ultimately happen when you realize there is no way to rectify or control what we never really had control of in the first place.

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Thank you, Don. I’m very grateful I gave up on substances to alter my reality. My own brain can do an equally effective (and deadly) job of mood altering. Maybe that’s why the slogan, “Chop wood, carry water” speaks to me. Oh, and “one foot in front of the other”!

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Wasn't she introduced as from WPWR rather quickly from the start of your intro on that show? Maybe that could help with your research.

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